In 2008 after reading Cormac McCarthy’s The Road I had nightmares of a lifeless Earth. I left teaching to work as Arts coordinator with Artists Project Earth (APE) I attended the United Nations conferences on Climate Change in 2009 in Copenhagen and in Durban 2011 and Rio +20. I made a film called The Protestor and a film for the Mary Robinson Foundation for Climate Justice and for ICAD in Uganda. During this time I did an MA at UCL in visual Anthropology and filmed with the San people form the Kalahari desert.
This work is based on the animal figures in their cave paintings made at a time when our species was far more conscious of it’s dependence on nature. These images sit alongside drawings made using water from around the world, (River Ganges, Rio Grande, Chamonix glacial run off) which integrate human physiology back into natural systems; neurons become branches- become hands. This Art practice discusses the relationship between adaptability sustainability and creativity which I spoke about at Eco build conference with Tom Hodgkinson, Oliver James and Clare Patey. Encouraging Sustainability through Art and the Antara festival.