Music © Sarah Sarhandi
Inspired by Sarhandis’ music and her adolescent experience of winning a school swimming race dressed in her nightdress and carrying a candle, Molins created an alternative narrative of adolescence demonstrating strength and vulnerability; mystery and venturing; perseverance and beauty. She added and drew on other personal and collective stories: in Ancient Greece young girls were initiated into puberty at the temple of the Goddess Diana. They were asked to lay all the accoutrements of virginity (toys, dolls, locks of their hair) on her alter before marrying.
This film about the passage to womanhood sees imagery of young girls training to swim the channel in Hyde Parks Serpentine and then swimming the channel. Cut to the haunting beauty of Sarhandis composition and intermingled with symbolic imagery of swans, candles, paper dresses and woods, it weaves a fairy tale of a young heroines journey.